
How Lightrun Works

Lightrun is a 3-tier platform:

The Lightrun Client

All Lightrun Actions can be added from any supported Lightrun client, which include:

The Lightrun SDK™

The Lightrun SDK™ instruments Lightrun Actions inside running applications, periodically connecting to the Lightrun Management Server in order to request commands.

Every Lightrun SDK™ comes pre-packaged with the Lightrun Sandbox™, which ensures the stability, integrity and performance of your live application are maintained.

The Lightrun Management Server

The Lightrun Management Server is the intermediary between the Lightrun SDK™ and the Lightrun clients. It is in charge of coordinating Lightrun Actions as well as privacy and security controls, including PII redaction, blocklisting, RBAC and a system-wide audit trail.

Note: the Lightrun Management Server never processes, stores or sends your source code to any third party.

How it Works

Step 1

Myrror’s technology reverses your binary code into a source version, including the dependencies within the binaries.

Step 2

Our machine learning models compare your source code you wrote, to the version generated from your binary code, looking for unexpected strings of code in the compiled version.

Step 3

You will receive a notification in real-time when a discrepancy is found, so you can stop the compromised package from reaching production and your customers.